In the 15 minute zoom consultation, we will review the highlights of your case and any relevant data to your pain. In concluding the consultation we will discuss if you are a good fit for treatment. You will receive a link for the meeting before 24hrs scheduled appointment time.
The doctor will need you to be able to move freely during your visit, so please bring/wear comfortable or exercise type clothing to your appointment. Loose clothing allows the doctor access to evaluate your complaint (ex: shorts for knee or leg complaint, tank top for shoulder or upper back issue).
If you have pain, you most likely are able to be treated. Common conditions that we see are headaches, migraines, Muscle Spasm, Lumbar Disc Degeneration, Osteoarthritis, Neck Pain, Carpal Tunnel, Shoulder Pain, Repetitive Muscle Strains & Overuse Injuries, Sciatica, Golfer’s/Tennis Elbow, Back Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Hip Pain, Knee Pain, Ankle and Achilles Pain, Numbness, Tingling, Disc Herniation, Rotator cuff injuries, Arthritis, Hip pain, Shin splints, etc.. Please contact us if you don’t see your condition or have any more questions.
Based upon your exam we can determine which areas are limited by adhesion. We then apply pressure to the affected area, moving it through a full range of motion to reduce the adhesion. As adhesion is removed and broken down, blood and oxygen flows to the muscle and function is improved. This entire process is done with your comfort in mind and will often feel like tension building followed by relief.
Muscle adhesion is the most common cause for pain, weakness and decreased flexibility in the human body. Adhesions are under diagnosed or completely missed by many practitioners. In many cases it doesn’t show up on an XRAY or MRI so many doctors completely disregard it. When adhesion builds up over time it can lead to more force being put on the tendons, cartilage and ligaments leading to ruptures later on down the road. Thankfully, adhesions are completely reversible with the expert treatment that Dr. Codina specializes in and can be removed non-invasively with hands or an instrument.
Chiropractic adjustments are simply short term pain relief and do not treat adhesion. If we don’t focus on the removal of adhesion, the symptoms will keep returning.
Sorry but no, insurance companies don’t care about you and you having your pain resolved, they only care about saving money and keeping costs low. We care about giving you the highest quality treatment and diagnosis to help you find relief and have successful outcomes. Because of this we only accept cash, credit, FSA/HSA, or check. Though we can provide the necessary forms needed for you to submit to your insurance for them to reimburse you directly.
Short answer is no. We do accept anyone in pain or that has an injury but we will not go through your lawyer or insurance directly. Payment by the patient is required at the time of service and the necessary forms can be provided to the patient to submit to the required party or can be sent directly to the required party.
We offer a 15 minute consultation so you can sit down and talk to the doctor to get an idea of what we do. After the consultation we will decide together if you are a good candidate for our New Patient Comprehensive Exam. Fee will be applied to Exam Fee if a candidate for treatment. If not a candidate then $50 refund.
New Patient Comprehensive Exam: 45 minutes: $350.00. ($275 after consult discount)
A comprehensive history of your injury will be taken including neurological evaluation, orthopedic evaluation, and functional movement procedures designed to find the cause of your pain. Upon conclusion of the exam, Dr. Codina will explain his findings and render a diagnosis. Dr. Codina will also explain the treatment plan and options. At this point, you can discuss any questions or concerns you may have with him. On the initial visit and follow-up treatments Dr. Codina will focus on one area of complaint at a time to allow for the best outcomes.
****Required to receive treatment****
New Region Exam: 30 min $185
The exam for a new problem region after the initial complaint is resolved or in maintenance.
Follow-up treatments: 15 minutes: 8 visit package $1000. ($100 discount if paid in full)
The subsequent visits are completely based off what is found on exam and is truly customizable for each case based on the exam findings.
Prices are cash/credit/FSA/HSA/check/Care Credit Financing and not through insurance.